In the neon-lit streets of Seoul, Soo Min, a brooding yet charismatic actor, has become a sensation. Beneath his celebrity veneer lies a shadowy past and a heart burdened with unspoken sorrows. Meanwhile, Miya, an Indian researcher with a fierce intellect and a mysterious aura, arrives in Seoul on a quest to uncover an ancient secret buried within the city's history.
Their worlds collide one fateful night when Miya, drawn to an enigmatic artifact that holds the key to her research, attends a gala where Soo Min is the guest of honor. Sparks fly, not just from their undeniable chemistry, but from the dark forces that seem to tether their destinies together.
As Soo Min and Miya delve deeper into their connection, they uncover a tale of forbidden love and ancient curses that transcend time. Each step closer to the truth pulls them into a vortex of passion and peril, where trust is fragile, and the line between love and madness blurs.
In a city that never sleeps, amidst secrets that refuse to die, Soo Min and Miya must navigate a labyrinth of deception, desire, and danger. Can they escape the shadows of their pasts to forge a future together, or will the darkness claim them both?
"Black" is a dark romance that weaves together mystery and love, set against the vibrant yet sinister backdrop of modern Seoul.
One lucky lady lives out her fantasy of being a ho-ho-ho for the holidays in this reverse harem holiday romp!
Maggie has been dreading her perfect younger sister's gigantic, holiday season wedding. At least her boyfriend Flynn will be a buffer between her and her difficult family. But when she and Flynn break up two weeks before the wedding, Maggie doesn't know what she'll do.
Her best friend Cassidy has a fun and sexy solution for finding a stand-in boyfriend: Santa Crawl, the world's biggest Christmas-themed bar crawl. Santa Crawl will be filled with hot, single men that Maggie can meet and potentially invite to be her date. Everyone knows that the best way to get over someone is to get under someone new, and Maggie is looking to get on Santa's naughty list. The only thing is, Maggie doesn't want one hot Santa to stuff her stocking. She wants multiple. Here comes Santa Claus!
WARNING: This story contains explicit sexual content, strong language, and mentions of body shaming that may be upsetting to some readers. Reader discretion is advised.
This story is part of a special collection of YONDER Originals now available on Wattpad! Unlock part-by-part or the full story with Wattpad Coins.