Daniel Neeson is 23 years old and recently came home after serving 4 years and 2 deployments with the United States Army. He reluctantly limped his way into a Sunday morning church service at his mama’s request; afterall, who could call themselves a southern gentleman and not appease her tear-filled invitation? The only problem that he came across was a petite brunette named Rebecca Clarkeson, that wouldn’t take no for an answer.
Rebecca Clarkeson saw the handsome and brooding Daniel Neeson the minute he walked through the church’s doors. She’d seen pictures of Daniel every time his mama, Ms. Neeson, bragged about her little soldier at church picnics and gatherings, even saw him in a dream or two. His pristinely cut hair and freshly shaved face proved that photographs didn’t do him justice. His eyes alone could melt a heart of ice, but the storm that rolled behind those turbulent pools of blue jolted her to her core.
How will God reach the broken soldier, and can he do it with the ever-hopeful young woman that recently turned to God herself?