In the opulent yet treacherous world of Manila's elite, disgraced former Mayor Alice Leal Guo finds herself caught in the crosshairs of the POGO Operations, her once-unassailable position reduced to ruins. Haunted by her past mistakes and the consequences of her actions, Alice unexpectedly finds herself drawn to Senator Risa Hontiveros-the very woman leading the investigation that threatens to expose her deepest secrets and destroy everything she holds dear. Their forbidden romance is a dangerous dance between power and vulnerability, a clandestine affair that unfolds amidst a backdrop of political corruption and betrayal. As their secret unfolds, Alice and Risa must confront not only the external threats that seek to tear them apart but also the internal struggles that test the limits of their loyalty and their hearts. This is a story of forbidden love, a journey of self-discovery, and the agonizing choices we make when our desires clash irrevocably with our sense of duty. It is a tale of redemption, forgiveness, and the enduring power of human connection in the face of overwhelming adversity.