The story of Alexandra's Great Adventure takes place in the late 1920s in a small town named Piešťany located in Slovakia. It tells the story of a young girl who's dream is to become the first women kayaker in the Olympics and to win a gold metal but along the way to living her dream she runs into troubles that nearly break her forever. This books shows the life of a young girl surviving on her own in a time of loneliness and sends a message that no matter what the obstacle it is possible to achieve anything if you put your mind to it. Along Alexandra's journey she encounters many obstacles and has to learn to deal with them in different ways. The book also introduces several non-fictional characters that made a difference in the time of the Great Depression like Dorothea Lange, and Arthur Rothstein. Altogether this story tells a compelling story of an athlete that will not stop to follow her dreams. This is a motivating story full of heartbreak, challenges, and amazing surprises.