The trauma squad consists of Midoriya Izuku, Takami Keigo(Hawks), Todoroki Touya(Dabi), Toga Himiko, Shinsou Hitoshi, Yaoyorozu Momo, Mei Hatsume, Monoma Neito, Bakugo Katsuki, Todoroki Shoto, Kaminari Denki, Uraraka Ochako, Iida Tenya, Asui Tsuyu(Tsu), Zaira Nyx, Tanaka Shinzoka, Tokoyami Fumikage, Amajiki Tamaki, and Shirakumo Oboro!!
And mine and the second creators(@Nyx-YamaZawa) AU Oboro never really actually died so that angst won't be in this, but instead was put into a coma after and became a villain that's NOT Kurogiri!! We both really hope you enjoy this Fic and there's 4 ships that are rare or we're NEVER seen so I'll be putting the ships here and I'm also going to be putting the sibling bonds-
HimiTsuOcha(Himiko X Tsu X Ochako)
MonoTodoDeku(Neito X Shoto X Izuku)
ShinKami(Hitoshi X Denki)
BakuKiri(Ejijro X Katsuki)
DabiHawks/HotWings(Touya X Keigo)
SeroIida(Hanta X Tenya)
MinaMei(Mina X Hatsume)
JiroMo(Kyoka X Momo)
MiriNejiTama(Mirio X Nejire X Tamaki)
FumiMezo(Fumikage X Mezo)
MicCloudEraser(Hizashi X Oboro X Shota)
HimiNei(Himiko & Neito)
ShoTouya(Shoto & Touya CANNON)
ToshiNyxZoka(Hitoshi, Nyx, & Shinzoka)
OboroZuku(Oboro & Izuku)
Yamada-Aizawa Shota/Eraserhead (Female to Male)
Yamada-Aizawa Oboro (Female to Male)
Kaminari Denki (Female to Male)
Takami Keigo/Hawks (Female to Male)
Bakugo Katsuki (Female to Male)
Midoriya Izuku (Female to Male)
Tokoyami Fumikage (Female to Male)
Jiro Kyoka (Male to Female)
Toga Himiko (Male to Female)
Fukukado Emi/Ms. Joke (Male to Female)
Asui Tsuyu/Tsu (Female to Non-Binary)
Song used in Chapter 1 - 'My R' & A tiny bit of 'Numb Little bug'
Song used in Chapter 2 - 'The Village'
Song used in Chapter 3 - a small clip at the end of 'OH NO!!'
Song used in Chapter 4 - No Song
Song used in Chapter 5 - 'Panic Room'
Song used in Chapter 6 - 'Moral of the Story'
Song used in Chapter 7 - No Song
I will be doing editing for this story at a later date so if things are a bit confusing I'm sorry.
"All around the mullberry bush the monkey chased the
Weasel . The monkey stopped to pull up his sock, POP goes the weasle."
As a child you met a killer clown. As a teenager you searched for him. As a young adult you find him. He wants to kill you but doesn't know the perfect way to torture you. Even as he hurts you over and over, you fall in love. This is a dangerous kind of love and you know it. Will you survive? Only one way to find out.
1. Jason (working) - Jason the toy maker, why me?
2. Candy pop (working) - Sweeter then candy.
3. The carnival (finished) - you are here
4. The mansion (not started)
5. The forest (not started)
6. Hobo heart (working) -perhaps we value each other
7. Puppeteer (not started) - golden strings of fate