Short Description: In the Alaato Valley, three cousin-nations face an impending threat from the cruel conqueror Aurick Sobaa. The Ulodume, Hundi, and Sarkanites have lived peacefully for generations, sharing a resource-rich land protected by mountains and sea. Each nation, led by a respected general, must now decide whether to unite against the approaching danger or risk annihilation. Long Description: In the midst of an isolated country-side shared by three cousin-nations, rumor is swelling of a particularly cruel foreigner and his forces making their way toward the Manlabaan Mountain ranges with one thing in mind. Conquest through surrender or bloodshed. These three nations share one large piece of resource rich land split down the middle by the ancient Li'Ehto River that springs from that very same mountain rage and continues a, nearly straight, 80 km to the Ingaweh Sea coastline. Protected by sea on the west end and vast peaks on the east end, the nations have lived in relative peace for generations. Now, through a series of ruthless attacks, towns are being wiped out. The only survivors of these attacks are a few warriors lucky enough to survive the intense battles and the women and children who managed to escape to nearby hills or wooded areas before the fighting started. Each nation is led by a general respected by the other two and each is as stubborn, distrusting, and independent as his two counterparts. Now standing in the burning rubble of what was once their homes, each must ask himself if personal ego and perceived autonomy is worth risking annihilation.