In the Riverlands, the enmity between Houses Blackwood and Bracken is legendary, a feud stretching back centuries. Young Davos Blackwood, the brooding and loyal heir to Raventree Hall, and Aeron Bracken, the bold and fiery heir of Stone Hedge, have inherited this deep-seated hatred. Their rivalry has only intensified over the years, each encounter fueling their mutual disdain.
Alyana Burns, the beautiful and intelligent daughter of Lord Samuel Burns, finds herself in the midst of this longstanding conflict. Her father's house lies next to Blackwood and Bracken lands, making her a neighbour to both families. Alyana's charm and wit are well-known, and she becomes an unexpected catalyst in the bitter feud.
A unique, fictional short story set in the "A Song of Ice & Fire/House of the Dragon" universe.
The Battle of the Burning Mill was one of legend. A bloody and brutal fight between two great houses at the start of the Dance of Dragons. There were those who supported the rightful Queen Rhaenyra Targaryen, and those who supported the Usurper Aegon Targaryen.
This account retells the days leading up to the battle, and the tension between the son of Samwell Blackwood and the "nephew" of Amos Bracken. These two fighters hold a secret known to no one that changes both of their lives and the future of their houses.
*this story is NOT canon, and might change depending on how the show continues to play with these characters. especially depending on if davos is meant to be bloody ben. this story is a davos/bloody ben x female reader pretending to be a male, nsfw*