In a world known as Glamoria where Elves and humans are always at war for no good reason and they are both very heavily against the species known as Nephalem, a mixture of both demon and angel. So the final refuge of the Nephalem is the neutral peoples, the shape shifters or clans as they might be known. One Nephalem a very important one more powerful than any previous one, named Azrael has chosen a dark path and his best friend is the only one who can stop him. While elsewhere in the world a young woman named Spera and her best friend Saya are both very important. The ancient prophecy says that the Nephalem ender of worlds will eventually make his decision based on a girl he falls in love with. Saya though, has lost her greatest power. That of persuasion for others have taken her voice, and now Spera is being hunted until she can convince the world she doesn't need to be but when she meets a cruel human warlock who goes by the name Jack of Blades her view of everything changes. Then a new player comes into the game something never predicted by any ancient prophecy. Something new, a human by the name of Skilos who has been trained to hunt Nephalem with both magic and sword, but when he meets a man who goes by Jack of Blades he discovers something he's never known before. He discovers friendship and realizes that not everyone is pure evil or pure good. Some people are born both and he must find this warlocks true name.