Tommy, lives in a world filled with humans, who were scared, anxious and petrified, of Tommy's own species
our beloved child, is a hybrid, an avian to be specific, he enjoys flying, gliding and dancing with the air
Humans often try to shot him down, but he would dodge and fling away(wtf 💀💀)
His father, Philza, paid to attention and mind towards the youngest, his main focus were his brothers, Techno and Wilbur
Techno was a piglin hybrid, born in the depts of the flaming nether, he's strong and seemed to be always immune, humans fear him the most
Wilbur was a phantom hybrid, born on the void filled end(ermm), he's stealthy and is always useful, he's like a ghost, people fear him as well
philza was a crow hybrid, born on the overworld, he had sharp and long talons, and big glossy wings, he was dangerous among the four
then, we have our precious child
Tommy, he was an avian hybrid, not strong, not stealthy, but stubborn, loud, and weak
he was the least feared and was almost too easy to capture, the three were sick and tired of always saving Tommy's life.
and Tommy was sick of getting treated like a child
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