Whom to belong | 18+
  • Reads 6,113
  • Votes 303
  • Parts 27
  • Time 3h 6m
  • Reads 6,113
  • Votes 303
  • Parts 27
  • Time 3h 6m
Ongoing, First published Jul 06, 2024
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šˆš‹š‹šˆš‚šˆš“ š“š„šŒšš“š€š“šˆšŽš by cleopatra-x
54 parts Complete Mature
Book one of the temptation series AND ISN'T A STANDALONE ā¦ļøŽšˆ š”ššš­šž š²šØš® š›š®š­ šˆ š„šØšÆšž š²šØš® šˆ š¦š¢š¬š¬ š²šØš® ššš§š šˆ š§šžšžš š²šØš® šš®š­ šˆ š”ššš­šž š²šØš® ā¦ļøŽ ā¦ļøŽš‡šØš° ššØ š²šØš® ššžš¬š­š«šØš² šš š¦šØš§š¬š­šžš« š°š¢š­š”šØš®š­ š›šžšœšØš¦š¢š§š  šØš§šž?ā¦ļøŽ ā¦ļøŽšˆš­ š­ššš¤šžš¬ šš š¦šØš§š¬š­šžš« š­šØ ššžš¬š­š«šØš² šš š¦šØš§š¬š­šžš«ā¦ļøŽ We were 'hate' fucking. I hid my gun underneath the bed because I don't fully trust him. He is unpredictable. I moaned, not able to hold back the way that made me feel and as I slowly recovered from it, he spanked me one last time before he pulled out. He stood up, grabbed his scattered clothes all over the room as he pointed a finger " Don't forget that, this doesn't change anything between us " I lifted myself unable to move due to the ache between my legs. He instantly pinned my naked body to the wall, a hand cupping my throat with a tight grip whilst he placed the other beside the left side of my head on the wall. I gasped with shock."You are mine to fuck.My enemy and mine alone." He demanded with a husky voice. He put on his black shirt and I take the chance to tug him, our lips inches apart. "If I am yours, then you are mine" I mumble slowly. He smiled at himself, his dimples appearing.
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šˆš‹š‹šˆš‚šˆš“ š“š„šŒšš“š€š“šˆšŽš cover
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54 parts Complete Mature

Book one of the temptation series AND ISN'T A STANDALONE ā¦ļøŽšˆ š”ššš­šž š²šØš® š›š®š­ šˆ š„šØšÆšž š²šØš® šˆ š¦š¢š¬š¬ š²šØš® ššš§š šˆ š§šžšžš š²šØš® šš®š­ šˆ š”ššš­šž š²šØš® ā¦ļøŽ ā¦ļøŽš‡šØš° ššØ š²šØš® ššžš¬š­š«šØš² šš š¦šØš§š¬š­šžš« š°š¢š­š”šØš®š­ š›šžšœšØš¦š¢š§š  šØš§šž?ā¦ļøŽ ā¦ļøŽšˆš­ š­ššš¤šžš¬ šš š¦šØš§š¬š­šžš« š­šØ ššžš¬š­š«šØš² šš š¦šØš§š¬š­šžš«ā¦ļøŽ We were 'hate' fucking. I hid my gun underneath the bed because I don't fully trust him. He is unpredictable. I moaned, not able to hold back the way that made me feel and as I slowly recovered from it, he spanked me one last time before he pulled out. He stood up, grabbed his scattered clothes all over the room as he pointed a finger " Don't forget that, this doesn't change anything between us " I lifted myself unable to move due to the ache between my legs. He instantly pinned my naked body to the wall, a hand cupping my throat with a tight grip whilst he placed the other beside the left side of my head on the wall. I gasped with shock."You are mine to fuck.My enemy and mine alone." He demanded with a husky voice. He put on his black shirt and I take the chance to tug him, our lips inches apart. "If I am yours, then you are mine" I mumble slowly. He smiled at himself, his dimples appearing.