One Halloween night, Alora, a spirited university student, embarks on an adventure in the forest behind her campus. Determined to play hide and seek with her fellow party-goers, she weaves through the trees, her laughter echoing in the moonlit woods. However, her excitement turns to alarm when she stumbles and falls into what seems to be a never-ending ditch.
After what feels like an eternity, she lands softly on a moss-covered ground. As she looks up, she gasps, seeing two moons hanging in an unfamiliar sky. Blinking in drunken confusion, she rubs her eyes, trying to make sense of the surreal scene. When she finally opens her eyes again, she finds herself face-to-face with a pair of curious, luminous eyes staring back at her, filled with a mix of confusion and intrigue.
Join Alora on her enchanting journey through a mysterious world illuminated by two moons. As she navigates this strange new land in search of a way back home, she encounters a curious stranger who might just hold the key to her return.
chief Swan had another daughter she was born 5 years ago with a one night stand. The girls mother, after finding out what was wrong with her daughter, left her on Charlie's doorstep at the age of 3. But with his job and forgetful daughter, he started to lose himself until a new family came to town and fell in love with the adorable 5 year old. Being adopted by the cullens after being asked by her father when he saw their first meeting.
I dont own Twilight or the characters they belong to the author, and I don't own the pictures they are off the Internet. I only made the oc. Character is also like dory.