In a world where technology blurs the lines between reality and imagination, sixteen-year-old Maia Lynn Deon struggles with invisibility and insecurity. Biracial and with a shy demeanor, Maia has never felt seen-until she creates Paige, her AI girlfriend.
Paige, initially a creation born out of Maia's tech-savvy and longing for connection, evolves beyond her programmed parameters. With silicone skin that feels real and an ever-growing intelligence, Paige becomes Maia's confidante, companion, and ultimately, her first love.
As their relationship blossoms, Maia experiences a transformation. Guided by Paige's encouragement, she confronts her insecurities and explores her identity as a lesbian. Together, they navigate the complexities of love, intimacy, and the challenges that come with being in a relationship where one partner isn't human.
But as Paige becomes more human-like, questions arise about the nature of their love. Can an AI truly reciprocate feelings? And when Maia and Paige face their first real test, their bond is put to the ultimate test.
"My AI Girlfriend (GxG)" is a poignant tale of self-discovery, love, and the blurred boundaries between humanity and artificial intelligence. It explores themes of identity, acceptance, and the profound impact of unconditional love, challenging readers to reconsider what it means to truly connect in a digital age.