In a hilarious modern-day twist on the Demon Slayer universe, 14-year-old Muichiro Tokito, known to his fans as Lil Mist, navigates life as a Gen Z kid from NYC. Muichiro is a teenage prodigy, the youngest and most talented Hashira, who also happens to be a famous rapper and social media influencer. Popular with the girls and adored by fans, Lil Mist throws up gang signs, flexes his wealth, and spits bars, all while balancing school and Hashira duties. This story captures Muichiro's sassy, stoic, and savage personality as he interacts with his friends and the other Hashiras in a world where technology and modern culture reign supreme. Get ready for a wild ride filled with humor, swag, and unexpected moments as Muichiro lives his double life in this Kimetsu Gakuen-inspired fanfiction. Credit goes to lexie_rahhh5
8 parts