In the beginning of story which see the gangster person who is wei wuxain Wangji ex boyfriend he force Wang ji to physical relationship again? Chapter 1 is in Chinese language story chapter 2 is in English language story chapter 3 in Hindi language Story is my own story this is right by me I am the author of this story FanFiction write by me I hope you love this infection this filmfaction is for each and lover if you don't like them or don't want to read the miskip it without any permission you can try use my story and without my any permission you can't reuse Mac content I hope you like this story and don't forget comment on the story ❤️❤️ story is full 18 + and there show as Gangster our relationship of Omega❌🔥🔞⚠️ 在故事的开头,我们看到一个男人跑得很快,有很多警察在追他,但他很快就发现自己在一间公寓里,他打破了一扇窗户钻了进去。然后他看到了一个女孩厨房里,不是女孩,而是Omega,他推住Omega的脖子,抓住他的脸,将他的脸直接撞到石板上,紧紧地捂住他的嘴,让他无法说话,抱住了他很长一段时间,警察到Omega的家中调查,但Omega在警察敲门时没有做出适当的反应,警察现在想到破门而入,但随着Omega的门! Story with out my permission you can't reuse this story without my permission you can't re use this story it is a fan fiction if you don't like it then skip it don't dare to read this story.zhanyiAll Rights Reserved