"The Beauty of Rivalry"
In the prestigious gates of Hanlim Arts High School, a tale of two rivals unfolds. Kim Taeoh, the charming and cunning bully, has always gotten his way. Lee Jiho, the talented and driven newcomer, refuses to back down. When their worlds collide, a fierce competition ensues, fueled by pride, passion, and conflicting values.
As they clash in the school's talent show, art competitions, and even love interests, they must confront their own strengths and weaknesses. Kim's privileged facade begins to crack, revealing a complex web of insecurities, while Lee's determination hides a painful past.
Will their rivalry lead to destruction, or will they discover that beauty lies in the journey, not the destination? Join Kim and Lee on a journey of self-discovery, growth, and the true meaning of art, love, and success.
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