In the bustling city of Sternbild, long before the bright lights of Hero TV and the thrilling escapades of heroes, Kotetsu T. Kaburagi, known as Wild Tiger, finds himself unexpectedly captivated by a mysterious figure. As a rookie hero, Kotetsu is dedicated to protecting the city and making a name for himself. However, his life takes an unexpected turn when he meets a kind and courageous paramedic named Haruko. Haruko is a dedicated first responder who often crosses paths with Kotetsu during various emergencies. Her unwavering compassion and bravery in the face of danger leave a lasting impression on the young hero. Despite his clumsy and carefree demeanor, Kotetsu can't help but feel drawn to her gentle yet strong spirit. As the two continue to encounter each other during rescues and missions, a deep bond begins to form. Kotetsu's feelings for Haruko grow, and he finds himself falling in love with her long before he ever dons his iconic suit on Hero TV. The story explores Kotetsu's internal struggle to balance his growing affection for Haruko with his duties as a hero. Through moments of vulnerability and heartwarming interactions, Kotetsu learns the true meaning of heroism and love. The fanfiction delves into Kotetsu's journey of self-discovery, highlighting his early days as a hero and the love story that shaped his heart before the fame and glory of the anime series.All Rights Reserved