Everything is wrong-every part of it. My entire life has been mapped out in front of me. I feel foolish and naive for believing I had any control over my own destiny. I wish... I just wish I had more time. I lived my life completely unaware of how it would end. If I had known, perhaps I would have lived it better. But now, it is time for my story to conclude.
In a perfect world, I could save them without causing their destruction. In a perfect world, we would all live happily ever after. In Cindy's forest, we would grow old without the fear of a war that was never meant to be waged.
It is quite unfortunate that this isn't a perfect world. But if there's a chance, even the smallest one, that I can make their world a little safer by going first, then I will.
This was my home. If I have to die for it to live on, I will. I will lay down my life for the people I love. I now know that even without my fate being predetermined, I would have chosen this path in the end.
The blade struck straight through my abdomen-quick, but not painless.
I was told that your life flashes before your eyes when you die. Mine didn't. And it broke my heart. I didn't even get to say goodbye.