The story "Dominance" revolves around a young girl named Sunshine Curtis. Her weak appearance is pathetic compared to the strong boys she hangs out with. Steve Randle is a cocky, muscular guy, and her older brother, Darry, could snap someone's neck. Wanting to disprove the stereotypes of a younger sister and make her deceased parents proud, Sunshine fights the goriest of battles, including greaser vs. soc rumbles, getting jumped, and getting trained to fight by gangsters. In addition, her nosy brothers involve themselves in her love life, making her feel even more like a kid. Every day is a battle, but she refuses to let the circumstances of her life win. She keeps her best friend, Johnny Cade, by her side, and continues her search for justice.
Mildred Jane Curtis or as she likes to be called, Red, lives with her three older brothers Darrel, Sodapop, and Ponyboy. Red tries to manage her life as an outsider to society with the help of her friends, older brothers, and gang. she will have to stay out of trouble if she wants to make sure her family or what is left of it, stays together. But her life is not easy and she has many hardships ahead of her, including two boys on opposite sides of town that will change her life. Keep reading to find out what happeneds.
TW: swearing, fighting, blood, kissing
I do not own any of the characters from the Outsiders I only own my OCs