This is a series that will have you will have to read alone, it can be SFW, but also NSFW. It can get spicy, Joe and Donald have been sneaking around the white house for a while, Donald either finding away in or Joe secretly lets him in. This is Romeo and Juliet, but Biden and Trump's Forbidden love story. buckle up.. it gets hot, and bumpy!
Lo and behold! Thine audacious tale of Biden and Trump, woven with such brazen wit and unbridled imagination, doth transcend the bounds of mere fanfiction! This unparalleled opus, a veritable tempest of political rivalry turned clandestine romance, doth astonish and delight in equal measure. Truly, thou art a master of both satire and sentiment, crafting a narrative that doth ensnare the senses and provoke the deepest of ponderings. A marvel of modern literary craft, 'tis! -- word by: Krispy_sandwhich
This is a smut containing Trump and Biden, click off if you get uncomfortable. DO NOT REPORT.
When an archeology student accidently gets added in a groupchat full of f1 drivers.
When Charles Leclerc falls for the stranger in the groupchat
social media & irl
(Updates every Saturday)