In the enchanting kingdom of Eldoria, Princess Katherine leads a life bound by duty and sorrow. Her mother died giving birth to her, leaving her father, the King, buried in sorrow and illness. As his health wavers, the King grows desperate to see Princess Katherine married and the royal bloodline secured. He selects three worthy princes for her to choose from, but Katherine who yearned for independence, decides she will make the final choice herself. She proposes a unique condition: the chosen prince must spend a month with her before they proceed with the marriage.
As she begins this month of discovery, an anonymous note warns her against the union. This note marks the beginning of a thrilling mystery...
-Analla G.
In the thrilling third installment of 'Agents of Time', the time travel team is on the hunt for Jack the Ripper - the unidentified serial killer notorious for his murders in Whitechapel in 1888.
Season 3 of Agents of Time
As secrets and suspicions rise in the academy, the agents aren't too keen on obeying the director's orders this time...and June's feelings for the charming Theo are causing a distraction. With the help of Ryan and former time travel agent Landon, the team must figure out what the directors are up to and stop them before it's too late. In the process, they will be faced with their most dangerous mission yet: And as always, nothing is as it seems.