"From the Eyes of the Bengali People" is a collection of short stories centered around the Bangladesh Liberation War, encompassing the period of genocide and independence. These stories span various narrative forms, including background narratives, essays/letters, short fiction, diary entries, instructional texts, and more.
Please note that while these stories are based on historical facts, they are narrated from the viewpoints of fictional characters to enhance dramatic impact. The author does not advocate any religious, ideological, or political viewpoints nor does the author hates/dislikes any country or population; the collection is intended purely for entertainment and educational purposes.
πΆπΆYeh Mera Deewanapan Hai
Ya Mohabbat Ka Suroor
Tu Na Pehchaane To Hai Yeh
Teri Nazron Ka Kusoor
Yeh Mera Deewanapan ...πΆπΆ
This is the third book in Short Stories Collection!!!!!
With some new stories, new characters and new lives but the only thing is constant and which is LOVE!β€οΈβ€οΈ