In this Wattpad story inspired by Lee Daniels' "Empire," Hakeem, a character facing personal struggles, hits a new low in his life. Despite his challenges, Lucious, a prominent figure, attempts to sign a mysterious and captivating woman. However, this time, the stakes are higher as Hakeem finds himself genuinely caring for her, signaling a shift in his priorities. As he becomes less interested in his previous romantic entanglements, particularly with Tiana, the story explores the complexities of relationships, personal growth, and the pursuit of genuine connections amidst the backdrop of a high-stakes music industry setting.
Jasmine Rodriguez knew she was destined for greatness. She had the beauty, the talent and the best family to help her be the best. Plus she knew the biggest family in music, The Lyons.
She was best friends with the Lyon cubs but she was closest to Hakeem Lyon. They had a thing going on with only a select hand of people knowing. It was just supposed to be one time but they kept going back to one another.
What will happen with the two of them when new people come around? People start to put bugs into their ears? Will they destroy what they have or will it become stronger than ever?
(Season One of Empire)
Idea credits to @user24481975