In the bustling city of New York, Emma Kensington, a talented graphic designer with a passion for whimsical art, finds her life feeling increasingly mundane. One evening, at a glamorous charity gala, she locks eyes with a mysterious and charming stranger, Ethan Sinclair, a reclusive author known for his enchanting tales. Their fleeting encounter is filled with electric chemistry and deep, meaningful conversation, leaving both of them enchanted by the other.
Despite their instant connection, fate seems to keep them apart. Emma is left wondering if she'll ever see Ethan again. She tries to move on, but memories of that magical night linger, haunting her thoughts. Little does she know, Ethan is equally captivated and begins to weave their encounter into his latest novel, hoping the universe will bring them back together.
A student professor arrange marriage romance 。*♡✧*。
✧She was his gravity , his fucking planet and he was lost without her ✧
Arrange marriage ✓
Age gap ✓
Student × Professor ✓
Grumpy × Sunshine ✓
Slow burn✓
Jealousy ✓
Green flag ✓