Set four years after the events of the first game, Part II revolves around Ellie Williams and, unexpectedly, Abigail Anderson in a post-apocalyptic United States.
Ellie, fueled by revenge, embarks on a quest to avenge a murder. Meanwhile, Abby, a soldier, becomes entangled in a conflict between her militia and a religious cult.
The story weaves their lives together, leading to intense encounters, unexpected twists, and emotional depth.
Joel and Tommy share their secret about St. Mary's Hospital, and Ellie's journey unfolds against a backdrop of danger, betrayal, and survival.
As Ellie, and Dina, Ellie's girlfriend, explore Seattle, they encounter both allies and enemies, uncovering dark secrets and facing harrowing challenges.
The Last Of Us Part II delves into themes of loss, identity, and the blurred lines between right and wrong.