This story unfolds across three pivotal moments in their lives. The first, during their childhood, when Joe and Julia were inseparable friends, growing up side by side as neighbors. The second, after their painful breakup, marked a turning point in their relationship. And now, in the present, as Joe prepares for his wedding, mixed emotions swirl within him despite the significance of the day. A package arrives from his mother, containing a letter and a delicate necklace. Seeing it stirs a flood of memories; he notices a similar necklace already on his table, a relic from their past. Over two decades ago, Julia confessed her feelings in a shy, dreamlike manner that Joe initially didn't fully grasp. Their intertwined past reveals a tale of unrequited love, hidden emotions, and the passage of time shaping their lives. As Joe reflects on their journey, from childhood innocence to the complexities of adulthood, the story unfolds with a poignant resonance