The story follows a trio of friends-Cameron, her best friend, and Cameron's crush Danni-at a house party. Cameron is smitten with Danni, and the protagonist experiences a mix of jealousy and longing for past romantic thrills. As Danni arrives and meets Cameron and her best friend, the dynamics shift with the introduction of Danni's twin brother, Monty. The protagonist, feeling like a third wheel, finds an unexpected connection with Monty. They escape the party's chaos and bond over personal stories and shared laughter. That's when they discover a surprising comfort and potential friendship, highlighting the unexpected ways connections can form.
Warning: Not suitable for young readers or sensitive minds. Contains graphic sex scenes, adult language and situation intended for mature readers only.
So basically this story is not for everyone, this is R18!! if you're 17 below, please find another story because this is not suitable for you.