Winter Pierce Alarcon, an orphan with remarkable talent, resides on a secluded island where she sustains herself by participating in a soccer gambling game known as "Rooster Battle." Despite her exceptional abilities, Pierce's involvement in soccer is solely driven by financial motives, leading her to compromise her fulfillment. However, her life takes an unexpected turn when a discerning individual, later known as coach Sakolov, recognizes her untapped potential and offers to guide her toward a more promising future.
The Silver Knights, a prominent national soccer team previously known as the champions, underwent a rapid decline and rebranded as the Fallen Champions, following an enigmatic dissolution of the team members. Under the leadership of the new team captain, Dylan Shawn Axford, the reconstituted team, now bearing the title Silver Knights, aspires to reclaim their former glory with the guidance of Coach Sakolov. Nevertheless, the sudden disappearance of the coach, leaving behind a cryptic note, leaves Dylan in a state of uncertainty, oblivious to the circumstances surrounding Sakolov's vanishing.
When Coach Sakolov proposes an opportunity for Pierce to depart the island and pursue a more promising future, her initial reluctance gives way to acceptance as she recognizes the extraordinary nature of the offer. Consequently, Pierce's journey is set to embark on a new trajectory under the guidance of Coach Sakolov. Throughout her journey, she will encounter adversaries and allies, unravel her true identity, navigate through adversity, and even experience the complexities of love.
Highest Rank #1 in Adventure
Alam ni Charm kung gaano kadelikado ang mahika. Kaya naman nang mapilitan syang magtransfer sa isang magic school sa isang mahiwagang mundo, hindi nya magawang harapin kung sino at ano ba talaga sya. Hindi lahat ng fantasy world ay puno ng mga rainbows, sunshine and unicorns, ang mundo kung nasaan sya ay puno ng panganib at mga pagsubok. Hindi nya kailangan ng isang Prince Charming. Hindi naman sya isang damsel in distress. Hindi rin sya isang prinsesa. Isa syang Witch.
BookCoverby: RealFearlessWriter