In the idyllic village of Ravendale, twenty-one-year-old Aria, known for her beauty and kindness, dreamed of becoming a teacher. Her parents, Ethan and Eliza, harbored a secret that threatened her dreams: years ago, Ethan promised his friend Henry that Aria would marry Henry's son, Victor.
Victor, a handsome but aloof young man, had little interest in village life. One summer evening, Aria's parents revealed the promise to her, explaining the arranged marriage. Heartbroken, Aria felt the weight of tradition crushing her hopes and dreams.
Today was graduation, the day Ezra and Aria had been looking forward to all year. When graduation comes around, everything changes. It's they day that Ezra and Aria can finally be together. It's the day that everything changes. The day they can have freedom from this "curse". The day they can finally start their happy ending. It all starts from graduation.
This was originally posted on my old Instagram @forever_ezria and I decided to upload it to wattpad so that everyone can enjoy it :)