32 parts Ongoing Wolfkit is a skittish little thing, not only is he the youngest kit in the nursery, he's also the smallest. Wolfpaw will do anything to be accepted as just as strong as the others, and even if he can't prove it to them, he will prove it to his sister, Swiftpaw.
Shinekit is a believer, she feels that she can help stop the war between ThunderClan and RiverClan, wether that be befriending RiverClan apprentices or making up half thought out schemes to have either Clan win the others approval. But will these crazy ideas of hers resolve any conflict or put her into more trouble than she bargained for. . .?
Nightpaw, Daisypaw, and Cloudpaw are no longer the only stars of our story, and Wolfpaw and Shinepaw definitely won't be the last to join them!