A story is about a certain man named Johann Griffin. A plague sorcerer that most often travel to defeat some dark malevolent creatures, lurking on every sides of llamsee. The land of every witches and creatures, which located on the underworld. INFO: If you love fantasy just like I do. and if you also like watching fantasy series or movies like: • Lord of thee rings • The Witcher • Pirate's Of The Caribbean you will like this book! ( though this is not as perfect, as those awesome movies I mentioned heheh! ) P.S. English is not my first language. I deeply apologize if there's some wrong grammar or typos and more mistakes along the way here. I will do my very best to edit and fix it as best as I could. Thank You! Enjoy Reading! https://open.spotify.com/playlist/24JTRlyW4XaPJBPToTdQFo?si=TsTkPraQTLCjIB42vQxt8Q&pi=a-XxTCdY5yQsiiAll Rights Reserved