Two Sides of the Same Coin │ [M!Reader x Tanya von Degurechaff]
20 parti Completa Per adultiDer Mensch ist böse. Der Mensch muss besser und böser werden So lehre ich.
The human is evil. The human must become better and more evil. So I teach.
A conflict of good and evil, in which evil proves that it is not as weak as it seems. Proving that darkness can overcome the light, The Twin Devils of the Rhine soar through the air. Their gaze, ferocious. Their weapons, locked and loaded. Their thirst for blood, at overdrive. The Empire fights its way against the entire world, one against them all. But one shall prove that their efforts are not in vain, for The Fairy and The Steel Gargoyle are on their site. Mercy is the last thing on their list, and their hate for the divine is right at its top. As one who denied God, and one who aligned himself with Lucifer, they fight their way through the war.
One which carries the mind to fool God.
One which carries the muscles to kill God.
Be it a bullet, soldier, or bomb, nothing was effective against such a duo. Both of their life may have ended earlier than imagined, but like the undead, they rose from their tombs. Their rest was cut short, and their life once more began, this time, surrounded by nothing but evil and chaos. With them, they carried the will of The Empire, slaughtering dozens upon dozens of heretics who dared to raise weapons. An old ally on the wars of the world we're familiar unites once more. This time around, however, there are no nations to save their enemies from destruction and bloodthirst.
War Does change.
- Youjo Senki is owned by Nut studios.
- English is [NOT] my first language.
- I don't own any Gifs/Images/Videos used here.
- Mentions explicit violence, and more.