the sound of the alarm busted yoongi's eardrum. making him restless. he slowly opened his eyes and hollowly stared at the ceiling, having no energy to get up or turn off the alarm. his head is still so dizzy, a lot worse than last week. he knew he had to go see a doctor, but with all the things happening right now, he couldn't. he barely even had any time to eat due to their new upcoming comeback. it's so stressful. he gathered all his remaining energy left to turn off the alarm and climb off the bed. he walked slowly off to the bathroom. yoongi stares blankly at his own reflection in the mirror. 'why am i so fat? ' he thinks, already shaking, wanting to cry. he turned on the faucet and let the frigid water meet his skin. he then splashed his face with water, attempting to wake himself up. he turned to the small drawer where he hides all bottles of his suppressants and a stack of scent blockers so he wouldn't run out of supplies to prevent his true nature. he quickly grabbed all three bottles and a scent blocker. he took two pills each, making him take six pills, and put a good amount of scent blocker all around his scent glands. he takes eighteen pills each day. six pills each every morning, afternoon, and night to make sure that he doesn't reveal anything. ...All Rights Reserved