April and Keira will get it one day. All this confusing trite about love, friendships, growing up. . . sexuality. They'll get it eventually, and this is how. They'll get it in their own time. -- (CONTENT WARNING: This story will likely lie somewhere between PG and PG-13, though I'm sticking with the latter because I don't know what different parents are comfortable letting their children read. This story contains infrequent strong language, frequent milder cuss words, a lot about sexuality, and two peoples honest stories as they come to terms with who they are. Please note that I'm not a teacher. I'm not trying to educate people about sexuality. If I end up shedding some light on certain things, then yay. Be aware that I'm also deliberately including characters that don't — well — love the idea of being gay. I'm taking those views from real life situations, because I want to write as realistic a story as possible. Despite this, I strongly support gay rights, obviously.)