So like I got bored and I had written these drafts and I thought why not post them because they are short and people might like them so enjoy my short drafts that I will be posting today that I've worked on they're not very long some of them some of them are a bit longer than the other and some of them are a bit shorter than the other but I hope you enjoyed my drafts or I guess my one shots is what they are some of them might have chapters I can't remember I'm just posting these so please enjoy my short crappy drafts about ships and the black phone and Demon Slayer and just anything really that I had and made a while ago but if you like these that's great if you don't that's okay but if you're going to post hate then I would like you to leave if you're only going to come here to post hate you can leave the door is over there the door is right to your right🙄 but if you're not go ahead and enjoy it you can write as much comment as you want you can do whatever you want🥰