In the universe of Zenithar lays two Kingdoms: Solara, the kingdom of Light, and The Dark World, the kingdom of shadows. The two realms remain divided to maintain balance in the universe, until one day when the kingdoms collide. Fed up with Solara, Soren, the King of The Dark World, plans to kidnap Stella, the daughter of light. He assigns this mission to his son, Kieran, as a final chance to see his potential as king someday. Seeking approval, Kieran will stop at nothing to complete this test. Though as fate will have it, the children of the two kingdoms don't carry an opposing force. Will the realm of Darkness finally seek vengeance on the realm of Light, or will this test bring uncontrollable chaos to the universe?
Fights, secrecy, betrayal, and love. This book has it all.
'You've been fighting for so many years that you've long forgotten your motives and your reasons. You fight only to fight, not even seeing the goal in front of your eyes anymore.'
Kingdoms of Garland and Hillon have been at war for years. As that war continues to take its toll, the King of Hillon makes a desperate move convinced it will help to end the conflict; he kidnaps the Princess of Garland, Lavena.
While in Hillon, although against her will, Lavena gets the chance to discover her family secrets, secrets that maybe should have stayed hidden...
The stubbornness and feistiness of the Princess put the normally calm and aloof Prince of Hillon to the test. He's forced to reveal his magical powers, powers that he'd prefer to keep hidden from the enemy.