A wonderful story about pride and prejudice and a take on the classic boy next door trope which will have readers in agony as they scream at y/n that the boy next (to) her door is the world-renowned Haggis smelling Harry Styles. The climax of this story enlightens both the reader and the reader's character, y/n, to the identity of the one and only Stylistic. This is a literary story of the daily consequences faced as a result of judgement and bias and spreads the message of inclusivity and acceptance of all regardless of their body temperature. In the end of the moral story, though, the main character inspirationally overcomes her own judgement of Haggis and is transformed from the karma of her previous actions, they share an epic fairytale moment, destined to make readers all over the world gasp, scream, keel over, yell, yawp, and cry (very uglily). The authors recommend one brings a box of tissues/napkins/toilet paper/serviettes/trees/bushes to clean up the mess of such intense emotions experienced at the hands of a glorious story. As we all know, stories are the livelihood of people who like to tell stories aka storytellers. Storytellers are incredibly important in our society because they bring us all together. However, if a storyteller were to tell this story, it would tear people apart, emotionally and physically, but above all aesthetically so it is the recommendation of the authors that this terrific tale is never spoken aloud. The mystery of such stories is what makes for the excitement and honour of reading them. So remember to always read and not speak so perhaps be mute. Enjoy our lovely Mountain-Grazing Beethovens, and don't forget to leave a star and several comments on every sentence.
Cover credit goes to buzzfeed.news (we are not plagiarizing criminals, we wouldn't steal a handbag).