Released in 87 A.N.T, after a long break, the third and the last film of the J 'n' M's Escapades, forming "The Original Trilogy", this is the last of the film written by the duo Luke and Karl together.
Years after the Northern Hemisphere War III (20-41 A.N.T), the superpower countries "Ovestia" and "Vragstrana" got into a competition to make discoveries, to develop their technology, and to expand their power and territory, far and even out of planet Nubodou, to space! In what was known as "The Space Race" or "The Space Battle", the two rival countries focused on space research.
During that race, a big Asteroid hit Nudbodou, the first of its kind, this asteroid became a very important (space) object, and the Ovestian government was after it, so, the secret agents "Joe" and "McCoy" were sent on a secret and very serious mission to the cold "Nordaj Landoj" lands to claim that valuable asteroid, the government and the entire country's honour and history rely on it.