After Peter Parker reclaims his body from Otto Octavius' control, he faces the devastating fallout of Otto's tenure as the Superior Spider-Man. His superhero reputation is in tatters, his personal life is shattered, and his friends and family have turned their backs on him. Amidst this turmoil, Peter learns of Eddie Brock's death.
Sensing a profound change in Peter, the symbiote that once bonded with Eddie seeks out Peter and merges with him. Embracing his darker side, Peter decides that if everyone thinks he's a menace, he'll show them just how much of a menace he can be.
Spider-Man has accidentally let Venom in his body during his fight with Eddie Brock but unexpectedly Venom cries for help..? Turns out Venom is influenced by Eddie's emotions and he wants to go back to Peter. Who knows maybe he's not so bad