In a world forever altered by the arrival of a mysterious spaceship, 27-year-old Lars Valeria works as a demolition worker for the Global Peacekeeping Organization, tasked with dismantling the vessel that brought both "blessings" and curses to humanity. Nearly half the population has gained supernatural powers, leading to a society divided between those who embrace their gifts and those who fear them. Months after, Lars awakens from coma only to discover his newfound superpowers. As he learns to harness these abilities, he realizes he has the potential to change the very fabric of reality itself, setting the stage for a confrontation with the chaos that has engulfed the world. The landscape is now a nightmarish realm filled with enlarged and monstrous animals that roam freely, while super-powered criminal organizations and terrorists exploit their abilities for destruction and control. As Lars embraces his powers, a thrilling realization washes over him: "I can do whatever I want, whenever I want, without anyone's consent." With this newfound freedom, he stands at a crossroads, contemplating how to wield his immense abilities in a world that has spiraled into chaos.
7 parts