"You know a 'Good morning sexy Kyle' wouldn't hurt!"
I spun around and looked at him. He had this goofy smile on his face and couldn't help but laugh. I walked to him, gave him a kiss on the check and said "That would only work when I'm drunk"
"Oh yeah! I keep forgetting! Tessa doesn't drink on Monday mornings!"
"Hey! Don't let my dad here you! He thinks that I only get drunk at school and in my bathroom." I said to him while laughing.
"Don't worry! Your secrects safe with me." Kyle said and add that irrisistable wink that gets all the girls at school drooling.
Kyle is the one person that keeps me sane, always have and always will! Even after all the stuff he has to put up with at school because he's my friend.
I grabbed a bowl and ate some sugary cereal while Kyle made himself at home and grabbed some leftovers.
"Are u ready to go?" He asked while wiping his mouth with his sleeve. He's such a pig!
"Yeah let's get this day over and done with!"
"Now that's the enthusiasm I've have been looking for!!"