Okayyy so first off, you are going to need:
-stirring utensil
I'm not sure on the measurements because I found this out by accident but anyways
First, put 1 cup of flour in the bowl,
Next, pour 1 cup water in the bowl,
Then, pour 1 cup salt,
Now... (you will have to find this part out yourself, srry) create a mixture to where the texture is thick, but not watery. Then, all you have to do is consume this nasty concoction. (I WOULD PREFER TO PLUG YOUR NOSE BEFORE CONSUMING. AFTER YOU ARE DONE CONSUMING GET A FLAVORED DRINK!!) You do not have to eat a lot of this, only about a quarter wide, and about a centimeter tall. This is NO JOKE this worked with me and I'm not sure if it will work for y'all but give it a try and get out of that crappy place you call school or work.