Stock market participants carry out trading and investing and hold their positions for different time durations, varying from a few seconds to a few years. Some even hold their positions for decades. Of these different trading durations, we will be discussing intraday trades and learn what are the intraday trading strategies.Intraday trading refers to taking a position and squaring it off or exiting it in the same trading session. These trades are considered short-term trades and the strategies and factors taken into consideration are vastly different as compared to long-term trades. Intraday trading can be carried out in stocks, commodities, currencies, as well as derivatives segments. There are certain rules applicable to intraday trading which one must remember before entering a trade. When placing an intraday trade, you must ensure that you have selected the correct option and are not accidentally taking a delivery trade. Most brokers have intraday trade set as a default. The option of "margin" trade might appear instead of "intraday" in some broking terminals or apps. Read More: #stockmarket,#finance,#IntradayTradingAll Rights Reserved