This is the story of Athena Potter, Harry Potter's sister, who has lived in the shadows of her famous brother. Sheltered from the wizarding world until her fourth year, Athena's journey diverges significantly from the familiar tale. Harry saves Cedric Diggory during the Triwizard Tournament in this version, leading many to believe that Voldemort is truly defeated. After waiting a year for Hogwarts to be deemed safe, Athena is finally ready to enter the wizarding world. This book combines writings from Athena and others, offering multiple perspectives on life at Hogwarts. While Athena's voice will guide us most of the time, occasional insights from other characters will provide a fuller picture of the magical world she navigates. **Note my writing takes time so the entries may be far apart or shorter than others, but I hope you enjoy reading just as much as I have wirting** *PLEASE try to keep comments clean. thank you - Grace Petalwood*
2 parts