In the eerie tale "Haunted Blackwood," a determined journalist, Arjun, ventures into the infamous Blackwood House, a mansion steeped in dark legend and supernatural lore. Long abandoned after a mysterious disappearance of its previous inhabitants, the Blackwood House is rumored to be cursed, with whispers of malevolent spirits and occult rituals lingering in its decaying halls. As Arjun delves deeper into the mansion's secrets, he encounters chilling visions and eerie phenomena that defy explanation. Trapped in a nightmarish labyrinth of shifting shadows and ghostly apparitions, Arjun must confront the sinister force that claims dominion over the house. The story weaves a chilling narrative of haunted pasts and supernatural terror, culminating in a harrowing climax that tests the limits of human courage and sanity.
I grinned up at him. I had lost my 2 front baby teeth. I noticed he was all alone. "Want to be fwiends?"
That's how it started. That's how I got into this mess. I regret it. I fucking hate it. I shouldn't've even thought about befriending him. I'm cooked.
Ethan meets his bestfriend at the age of 4. His name is Kaizer. Kaizer is different, and Ethan gets to know him over the years. Ethan regrets getting to know him! Kaizer is the kind of guy who will murder ANYONE who looks at something that is his. Literally. And Ethan is his, wether he wants to be his or not. He'll make sure to keep it that way. Kaizer would do ANYTHING.
'There's not a line in this world that I wouldn't cross for you!' -Joe Goldberg
Fun fact, Ethan and Kaizer watched the series 'You' together. Kaizer scoffed at the series. 'That isn't even close to an obsessive, murdering psycho..'. And let me tell you, he WILL show what that is.