A lone boy living in the middle of the 19th century embarks on a emotionally filled journey of his life. Meet Charles. He is 17 and in a very tough time. He is your average high school student who is really shy and like to stay inside all the time, who gets beat up rarely but when he does it gets very bad. But what he is searching for is different. He Really just want to find someone in the world who doesn't care about all of these social cliques and people and just sees Charles for Charles. He may or may not have found someone in this novel but you will have to find out. Charles being the Shy person he is, his whole attitude changes when he isn't in school. He ended up coming home to his father asking why he want in school. He ends up getting kicked out of his house, and seeks living else where. But the thought of someone still grinded he gears. After his own sister embarrassed him infront of the entire school, and now everyone knows of him being that guy who was made fun of by his sister, he really didn't know what to do with his life. He contemplated committing suicide but the thought of someone was thing that kept him alive. As he went to see that person, he was interpret with a Dust storm that was passing by, and his sister yelling off in the distance.All Rights Reserved
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