n the vibrant streets of Japan, three teenagers navigate the treacherous landscape of high school, family secrets, and first love. Ryosuke, the charismatic older brother, seems to have it all together - but beneath his perfect facade, he's hiding a secret that could upend his entire world. His younger brother Keisuke, on the other hand, is lost in the shadows, desperate to forge his own identity and prove himself to his family.
Enter Motoko, the whip-smart and captivating classmate who becomes the catalyst for a tangled web of emotions. As Ryosuke and Motoko's friendship blossoms into something more, they must confront the blurred lines between love and loyalty. But Keisuke's simmering jealousy and insecurity threaten to destroy the fragile bond between the brothers, and Motoko finds herself caught in the crossfire.
As the trio faces down family feuds, academic pressures, and romantic entanglements, they must learn to trust each other and themselves. Will they be able to overcome their differences and find a way to make their relationships work, or will the challenges of growing up tear them apart? Dive into this poignant and passionate coming-of-age story, set against the stunning backdrop of modern Japan.