The story unfolds in a world where supernatural elements and intense drama intertwine. Lee Y/N finds themselves caught in a dangerous and mysterious situation involving BTS members Kim Seokjin, Min Yoongi, Jung Hoseok, Park Jimin, Kim Taehyung, Jeon Jungkook, and Kim Namjoon. As the series progresses, a love triangle emerges: Y/N has deep feelings for Seokjin, while Taehyung harbors strong emotions for Y/N. This dynamic adds complexity and tension to their interactions. The love triangle becomes a central theme, driving the narrative forward with emotional and dramatic twists. The plot is marked by suspense, danger, and emotional intensity, culminating in a dramatic climax that resolves the love triangle. The remaining episodes will continue to explore the fallout and resolution of these tangled relationships, as well as the overarching supernatural threats.
22 parts