I did this in 2012. Now I'm doing it again, for science. (Note: I'm probably doing it all at once instead of day by day. At this point it will probably be completed in chunks because I only have half a year left in high school.)
1: Your best friend
2: Your crush
3: Your ex
4: Thankful
5: Your online friends
6: What makes a hero
7: Your parents
8: Someone you've drifted away from
9: 1 interesting fact for every year you've lived; 5 words to describe yourself; why
10: Your siblings
11: A quote you try to live by
12 - What is love
13: Something you regret
14: What inspires you
15: A favorite memory
16: Something that you're proud of
17: How you hope your future will be like
18: A letter to a stranger
19: Discuss your first love and first kiss
20: The person you wish you could be
21: The last person you made a pinky promise to
22: Favourite place in the world and why
23: A time when you thought of ending your own life
24: Felt the most satisfied w/ your life
25: Like and dislike about your life
26: 5 top pet peeves
27: 5 fave songs
28: Life and death
29: 10 years
30: Letter to self