In the heart of New York City, amidst the cutthroat corporate world, Kara Moretti works as the innocent assistant to twin CEOs, Damian and Lucifer Giovanni. These enigmatic brothers, with their smoldering looks and ruthless business acumen, helm a secret mafia empire hidden behind their legitimate ventures. Kara, naive and pure-hearted, unknowingly steps into a web of power, danger, and dark desires.
Damian, the colder, calculated twin, watches her with an intensity that chills and excites. Lucifer, fiery and passionate, burns with a temper that matches his desire for her. Together, they are a formidable force, their obsession for Kara growing from a simmering lust to an all-consuming need to possess her entirely.
Over the course of a year, the brothers' fascination with Kara deepens. They admire her from afar, each stolen glance and touch intensifying their mad love. Their desire becomes a fierce obsession, driving them to protect, ruin, and ultimately crown her as their queen.
Kara's innocence draws them closer, even as it places her in grave danger. As she becomes entangled in their world, she must navigate the treacherous waters of their obsession, discovering the depths of her own desires along the way. In a realm where loyalty is bought with blood and power is a ruthless game, Damian and Lucifer will stop at nothing to claim the woman they love
Three 32 year old triplets known by many names, The Wolf brothers, Mafia Kings, Devils but worst of all the most prolific murderers of the 21st century. The same murderers who killed their own parents. Whom have never felt a single hint of love in their 32 years of life.
Till they met.... Her.
Angel. A small beautiful girl hidden away from the rest of the world deep into the mountains by her father for over eighteen years. She steps outside into the world for the very first time in years because of the men who will be both her savior and her doom.
.{This book is ongoing and currently under editing}.
TW: For toxic relationships, murder, etc.
Not a werewolf/fantasy book that's just their second name.
Angel is also very innocent and naive from being sheltered all her life.