"A rebellious and spoiled teenager, Zhan, lives a life of excess and recklessness, often sneaking into adult clubs and spending nights in hotels with his friends. However, his world is turned upside down when compromising images and videos of him with unknown men surface online.
In a desperate attempt to salvage the family's reputation, Zhan's father forces him into an arranged marriage with a stranger, leaving Zhan feeling trapped, desperate, and unsure of his future."
Wang yibo and Xiao Zhan. Two very famous college students coming from extremely wealthy families are also the biggest enemies in school.
Wang Yibo is known as a player and a heartbreaker.
While Xiao Zhan is known as a mature and calm person with a bright personality.
Hating each other is one thing,
But their parents are best friends.
Always wanting to win against each other and hating each other. Will that hatred lead them to a new path?
And maybe a twist in the story?
It is a mpreg story. So please read it only if you're comfortable with it.